There was one of three problems with the child screaming behind me at the restaurant I went to several nights ago, all of which had solutions that its "mother" failed to recognize. "Mother" is in quotations for a reason. Many other titles came to my mind when contemplating things to call her, but I digress. So. What reasons could this child have for screaming non-stop for 45 minuets? Number one. There was something legitimately wrong with the child. Like it had a dirty diaper, was hungry, or thirsty or uncomfortable, all of which should have been the FIRST things this woman should have checked for, and then dealt with to make her child shut up. I know if I had to be in a diaper I would not want to be in one full of crap, and when I am hungry I get quite cross, only to be quickly subdued by a quick bite of anything. But what if it was not hungry and didn't have a load in its diaper? What then? This leads us to the next reason why the child may have been screaming. The kid wanted something it was being denied. Weather that be freedom from the chair it was in, a toy in its diaper bag, or maybe a piece of chocolate cake instead of spaghetti. In any other case I would never suggest giving into your child's every whim. Not only will the child grow up to be an undisciplined brat, but it could also have devastating physical and mental implications. Use your imagination. However, when this child's behavior begins to effect others, the severity of allowing your child to eat cake instead of spaghetti during the one time a month you go out to a restaurant quickly diminishes. Give the damn kid its toy or cake, because a crowded restaurant is not the time and place to teach self discipline to your child. Although if your the woman who's child screams constantly I doubt you teach self discipline in the first place since you probably don't have any of your own. Finally the third, and unfortunately, but probably most likely, reason it was crying was it was just plain cranky. The child was pissed. It was having a temper tantrum and would have been screaming no mater where it was, who it was with or what it was given. In this case someone should go OUTSIDE with the child or in the BATHROOM until this issue passes. If it doesn't, cut your losses, pack up your food , ask for the check and go home where you, and only you, get to enjoy what I think is the worst noise on the planet. Although this was a simple problem, with three simple solutions, I still had to eat my ENTIRE MEAL, all 45 minuets of it, with a shrieking in my ear probably similar to that of a pterodactyl passing a kidney stone. Unfortunately this event made me ponder this woman's parenting skills. This, naturally, made me wonder why is it we have have to pay for, and take a test in order to own and operate a car, yet there are no restrictions, or tests, or fees for "owning" and "operating" and child. I know, seems like a big leap but its not for me. We have to take tests in order to operate a vehicle because of the potential to harm others with said vehicle. Yet, the reckless abandon in which some people breed is in a sense harming others, and by "others" I mean the children they have. So, since drivers have to take tests in order to ensure they are competent enough to not harm others, why aren't people required to take test before having children to ensure they are competent enough to not harm their own flesh blood. OH! That's right. Now I remember. If a person is not capable of responsibly raising and caring for a child, the government bails them out. Oh, that mom does not know how to restrict her sexual activity to keep her number of children to a manageable number that she can care, and provide for? i.e. food and shelter. WELL lets bail her out by cutting her a check every month and giving her food stamps to feed said children. However, when I irresponsibly own and operate a car, WHICH IS A PRIVILEGE, where is the government to bail me out? Would I get money back if I bought a car on credit, only to realize months later I cant afford the payment? Would I get money from the government if I crashed my car into another and had to go to prison for vehicular manslaughter? No! Would I get money if I was irresponsible and got a ticket from a cop for ......fantastic. My train of thought has been distracted by Matrix 2. Oh well, I think I made my point.
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