Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bad People Everywhere

Riddle me this. Why is it O.K. to generalize all Muslims as extremist when only a very small percentage are actively trying to harm other people, but it is NOT O.K. to call some Christians extremist when a man identifying himself AS a Christian murders dozens of teenagers and children? Every group has its bad seeds among many many good.....seeds..? My point being, not all blonde Germans want to kill Jews, not all Muslims want to kill Christians...and Jews. Sorry. And NOT ALL Christians are in their right minds either. Christians have been killing others in the name of Christ, and for their beliefs they believe Christ wants them to believe, stay with me, for centuries. The modern day label for a Crusade, or any other military action justified by religious purpose just happens to be, Terrorism. There is not a line between this group of people who are bad and this group of people who are good. People, and life in general, is not this simple. Once everyone gets this into their heads they will find themselves enlightened, not by a godly figure or faith, but by common sense. Bad people lurk everywhere in all different shapes and sizes, genders and races, religions and groups. EVERYWHERE! so go out and live your life in irrational fear, for bad people are everywhere. I'm sure even that girl scout at your door right now has something sinister up her sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. Because there are a large grouping of Islamic people trying to kill Americans/Christians on a regular basis, and they're freely admitting that it's in the name of religion. That Denmark dude was completely rogue. I'm not religious anymore because I believe that making life decisions based on stories in a book that was written thousands of years ago is pointless, but I can tell you that it's going to eventually be an Islam vs the world type of thing. It's just clearly headed in that direction and there'd nothing you can do about it.
